
10.09.2021 — Lead to Save

23rd Week in Ord. Time, Friday – 10th September 2021 — Gospel: Lk 6,39-42

Lead to Save

The three loosely connected sayings and metaphors have a unifying theme of leadership. Jesus now turns the responsibility to the disciples to make more disciples. As guides they become instruments of God’s judgement, and are concerned to save, not to condemn. They must attempt to guide, or teach, or take the splinter out of another’s eye with genuine love. Without this love they are acting blindly, out of touch with reality and acting on appearances. The phrase ‘blind guides’ was originally used for the Pharisees (Mt 15,14; Jn 9,41), because refusing to acknowledge their sins and the need for God, i.e., they remained blind to their reality and the mercy of God for them. Without this twofold enlightenment the disciples of Jesus remain blind and cannot guide others. Furthermore they will be condemned for their pride and hardness of heart. Unless the disciples’ perceptions are transformed and reoriented in the ways described by Jesus as in his sermon, they will remain spiritually blind and will be unable to lead others in this new way of life.