

Posted under Reflections on January 24th, 2012 by




Jesus continued his ministry among people. People gathered around him in big number and they also kept him busy. He was so busy that he could not even have his meal. He and his disciples were over worked. This only points out the need for work of God. This also indicates that the work of the evil has taken over the world so much that there was the need for continued work.


His relatives and friends thought that he was out of his mind. It could have been because of the amount work done by him or the way he was going about doing which disturbed the normal regular functioning. Probably the people (could have been the Pharisees) began to complain against him that the relatives felt the need to control him.

20.01.2012 TWELVE

Posted under Reflections on January 24th, 2012 by




Jesus appointed the twelve. For the Jews the number was symbolic and it had its specific meaning. It also referred to the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve sons of Jacob. These twelve sons were indirectly the fathers (patriarchs) of the twelve tribes of Israel. Jesus by appointing the twelve was making the people realize that he was beginning the birth of the new Israel with these twelve men.


The works of the twelve were also given to them. They were to be with him (Jesus). These new Israelites were people belonging to Jesus and were attached to him (They were in the world but they did not belong to the world). They would cast out evil spirits from among the people. Their main activity was to remove evil and doing good among the people. 

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