
23.10.2017 SAFETY & SECURITY


Man thinks that the earth is for his possession. Whatever is the produce of the earth is also for his possession. Man finds in the things his own security and safety. He thinks that wealth can buy happiness which he longs for. He wants to establish himself here on earth.

Man does not realize that his life is not in his control. Man can be called out at any moment. He will have to leave all these without any recourse to it. His safety and security will be gone in a fraction of a second. So the real, only and final security and safety is the Lord.

வாழ்வு பொருள்களில் இல்லை உடைமைகளில் இல்லை. இவை அனைத்தும் நம்மைவிட்டு போய்விடம் அல்லது நாம் அவைகளைவிட்டு அகன்றுவிடுவோம். வாழ்வு இறைவனின் கொடை. அவர்தான் நிலையானவர்.