
02.04.2012 MARY

Posted under Reflections on April 2nd, 2012 by


 In this scene one is compelled to see Mary in relation to all the others. Martha has served dinner for Jesus many times. This was another occasion. Mary had not helped her at all earlier. She had always chosen the better part. He says again that she has chosen the best. Her action is a prophetic action. Jesus was going to die and she has anointed him much in advance.

Mary and Judas are in logger heads. Judas appeared to be a man interested in serving the poor, out-going, sacrificing etc. But Mary was a spender in this scene; a waster; a person who has no concern for the poor etc. Jesus said leave her alone. Jesus found meaning in her action. Others found earthly meaning so they reacted. Jesus had a meaning which let her do what she wanted.

நற்செய்தி வாசகம்: யோவான் 1:1-11

மரியாவுக்கும் மற்றவர்க்கும் உள்ள மனநிலை வேறுபாடுகளை காணமுடிகிறது. மார்த்தா உபசரிப்பதையே நோக்கமாக கொண்டு வாழ்கிறாள். யூதாசு பிறர்நலப் பணியை முன்வைப்பதுபோல நடிக்கிறான். இயேசு தனது பணியின் நிறைவையும் இறப்பையும் பற்றி பேசுகிறார். மரியா இயேசுவின் மனநிலையோடு சேர்ந்து சிந்திக்கிறாள்.


Posted under Reflections on March 31st, 2012 by


 Jesus’ suffering and death are the content of these two chapters. All these verses speak of one truth: Jesus stands alone over against the rest. Priests, elders, people in authority, Romans, disciples and the crowd turn against him. It is an unimaginable scene. Jesus is aware all these events. He knows well that Judas will betray him; Simon will deny him; the disciples will flee from him; the crowd will shout out against him and those in authority will condemn him. All are against one man.

 Those in authority are conscious of their political, social, cultural, financial, and religious power and exercise the power against one man. The crowd is easily influenced by the power and over powered by the power demand for the death of one man. The disciples and the few followers were frightened of the crowd and the powerful flee the scene and hide themselves leaving him alone. Each in his/her own way stood against Jesus.

நற்செய்தி வாசகம்: மாற்கு 14:1-15:47

 இயேசு தனிமைப் படுத்தப்படுகிறார். அதிகாரிகள், சீடரகள், மக்கள் அனைவரும் இயேசுவுக்கு எதிராக ஒன்று சேர்ந்துவிட்டனர். அதிகாரிகள் தங்கள் அதிகாரத்தை முன்வைக்கின்றனர், மக்கள் தங்களின் இயலாமையினால் அடிமையாகிறார்கள், சீடர்கள் தங்களின் பயத்தால் ஒதுங்குகின்றனர். இயேசு அதிகாரத்தின் அடியில் தனித்து நிற்கிறார்.

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