
10.03.2014 JUSTICE


This story does not need further explanations. The message is obvious. Jesus speaks about the final judgment. Justice is one of the central themes in the Jewish as well as Christian traditions. It is very difficult to define, explain and the working of justice. God is just. This God wants justice to be done and justice to rule over the land.

Justice does not mean simply punishing the evil doers out (though it will also include that); it means bring the whole humanity, the whole world into its original balance. This takes us back to the idea of creation. God created the world and he had his purpose for each one of creation. Evil entered into this creation and upset the creation. Now the world will have to be put to rights.

Coming of the kingdom and working of the kingdom is doing this justice in the world. Jesus who is exalted after his suffering and death has been given a position of honour. This story tells us how this just rule will be exercised. One way of exercising justice or bring balance back into humanity is by taking care of the least of the brethren. Every time when one cares for the least of the brethren the he works towards justice.

நீதியை நிலைநாட்டுவது இறையாட்சியின் குறிக்கோள். நீதியின் விளைவு சமத்துவ சமுதாயம். சமத்துவத்தை நிலைநாட்ட சமுதாயத்தில் உள்ள ஏழைகள், துன்பப்படுவோர், ஒதுக்கப்பட்டோருக்காக உழைப்பது.