
13.03.2014 ASK


Do we receive all that we ask for from God? This is the mystery of all prayers. What Jesus tells us here is that we should relate to God as children to their father. The attitude should be so that we go to him as children go to their father. Father always will want to give to his children what they ask for and what they are in need. It is not selfish to ask God for things that we need. It is the natural thing that the children go to their parents with their requests.

There are times in which our prayers have not worked. Yes prayer is a mystery. It is difficult to understand/answer this when what we ask for from God are real and they are legitimate yet we do not receive it. We shall fully understand this only when we see God face to face.

What Jesus asks us is to treat God as Father and make him know how things are with us. We have to ask, seek, and knock. We will receive our bread and fish. God will never let us down. This is the belief of the Bible and this is what Jesus has lived in this world and this is what he wants his followers to believe in. The followers should reflect this God in their lives: “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you.”

நல்லவராகிய இறைவன் நல்லவற்றையே படைத்தான். சுதந்தரத்தை கொடையாகப்பெற்ற மனிதன் தவறினான். தவறியவன் (தீயோன்) நன்மைகள் பல செய்கிறான். தீயோனே நன்மைகள் செய்யும் போது நல்லவனாகிய கடவுள் நன்மைகள் மட்டும் தான் செய்வார். நன்மையின் முழுமையே அவர்தான்.