
23.07.2014 SOWER


The parable clearly speaks about a particular activity. The work of the sower is to sow the seed. He does not choose the field. The field is available to him. The soil could be rocky, could a pathway, could be a place of thorny bush. However the vast are of the field is cultivable and disposed to sowing.

File is talked about only with respect to yielding. At the time of yielding the pathway, the rocky places and the thorny places have not regard. Only the real cultivated land has a message. The message is this: whatever be the lose (on the pathway, rocky ground and thorny bush) there will always be a harvest and that is the kingdom and work in the kingdom.

இறையாட்சி என்பதும் இறையாட்சி பணி என்பதும் கொடுக்கின்ற பாடம் மாறுபட்டது. என்னதான் இழப்பு இருந்தாலும் (வயலோரம்> பாறை> முட்புதர்) இறையாட்சியில் முப்பது> அறுபது> நூறு மடங்கு பயனுண்டு.