
04.09.2014 CARPENTER


Jesus was a son of a carpenter. Jesus is associating with the fishermen for the first time. He has not lived near the sea shore. (he lived in Nazareth and not in Capernaum). For the first time according to the gospels he is seen around the sea coast. He commands the fishermen and tells them about fishing and he is right.

This shook Simon and others (James and John). They saw in Jesus a power which they could not understand. This frightened them. We wonder what went on in the mind of Simon but he asked Jesus to be away from them. Simon acknowledged his sinfulness and this gave him a new mission.

தச்சர் மகனான இயேசு கடலைப்பற்றியும் மீன்களைப்பற்றியும் தெரிந்திருந்தார். சீமோனால் இதை ஏற்றுக்கொள்ள முடியவில்லை. சீமோன் தன்னிலை உணர்கிறார் (பாவி). தன்னிலை உணர்கின்ற பொழுது புதுப் பணி கிடைக்கின்றது.