
23.11.2014 KING


Jesus Christ is presented as a king. That is he appears in glory and all the angels are around him. So is something heavenly and nothing of this world. Only the language and the symbols are of this world. He would sit on the throne of glory. All the nations are assembled in front of him. So he is the king of the whole world and in fact, of the whole universe.

The work he does is the work of separating the sheep form the goats. It is like the creation story wherein God separated the waters from the earth; light form darkness; water above from water under the earth and so on. So what Jesus does is the work of new creation. Jesus Christ is creating the new heaven and the new earth it seems so. This work he does so as a shepherd would do in separating the sheep from the goats. So he is a shepherd king and not a political king.

The sheep like people (people who have seen God in others and served God on others) continue to live in the presence of god where there is rejoicing and gladness and celebration. The goat like people (people who did not see God in others and did not serve God in others) will not have the closeness of god. This would be their punishment.

இயேசுதான் அரசர். இடையர் பணி செய்கின்ற அரசர். படைப்புப்பணி செயகின்ற அரசர் (பிரித்தல் ஒரு படைப்புச் செயல்). புதிய வானம் புதிய பூமி படைக்கிறார்.