



Jesus is back in his own home town. He does the normal regular thing as usual. He visits the synagogue on Sabbath. He preaches in the synagogue. All these were the normal activities of Jesus. But the content of his preaching were different. People were surprised at his preaching. They could not accept his new preaching and the content of his new preaching.


People usually think of others as they should be. They expect everyone to fit into a frame. Persons of a particular place and time behave in a fixed and expected way. If by chance one behaves differently then people wonder at his ways. This is what happens in the case of Jesus. Relatives and friends expect Jesus to behave according to their expectations but he did not do so and hence they fail to understand him.


ew;nra;jp thrfk;:  khw;F 6:1-6


xt;nthU CUf;Fk; xU fyhr;rhuk; ,Uf;fpwJ> xU eilKiw> xU topKiw ,Uf;fpwJ. Vy;yhUk; Cu;top elf;fNtz;Lk; vd;gNj vjpu;ghu;Gk; $l. ,NaRTk; mt;thNw tho;fpwhu;. Mdhy; mtUila NghjidfSk; nray;ghLfSk; tpj;jpahrkhf ,Uf;fpwJ. Mtu;fshy; ,ij Vw;Wf;nfhs;s Kbatpy;iy. re;Njfk;. gad; tpRthrkpd;ik. mjdhy; ,NaR mq;F Nghjpf;fTk; ,aytpy;iy. cldpUg;gtiu ek;gNtz;Lk;.