
26.02.2017 FEAR NOT


There are people who present the world as a place of sadness, suffering and with all sorts of negative feelings one can attach to it. They go about gloomy, dull and always looking for pity from others. Pharisees were, to an extend, considered the world and the situations around them as negative.

The passage that we have for reflection today presents a different picture of Jesus. When he said to his followers not to worry about tomorrow or not to be anxious; he taught them by example. He lived the present moment so well that he celebrated the Goodness of God in his life. And this in fact made him happy. He was not talking about a God who was distant from the world. He was talking about a God who was interested in the beauty of things, involved in the lives of the people,

When Jesus said not to worry about food and drinks and clothes, he was not meaning to make us all beg or go about ugly. He wanted us to have right priorities. What he said was this: put the world first then you will end up miserable, but put God first then you get the whole world thrown in. Happiness, joy, peace, beauty, excitement, celebration and all come in our way when we put God first.

கவலைப்படுபவர்களிடம் நம்பிக்கை இருக்காது. நம்பிக்கையில் வாழ்பவர்கள் கவலைப்படமாட்டார்கள். நம்பிக்கையில் வாழ்பவர்கள் கடவுளை முன்னிலைப்படுத்துவார்கள். இவ்வுலகில் நடக்கும் அனைத்தும் இறைவனின் பராமரிப்பே. நம்பிக்கை தேவை.