
18.03.2018 ETERNAL LIFE


Jesus speaks about himself and his death. He also speaks about the purpose for which he has come. He has come to be glorified. But the glory that he speaks about is like the wheat that falls to the ground. He has come to live the eternal life here on earth. He has come to show the eternal life here.

His followers also should have the same life. He has come to communicate this life to his followers. He has come to show the people that life is in the cross (in death). Everyone who wants to be a follower of him should pick up his own cross and go after him. Cross is the only accompanying thing into eternal life.

நிலைவாழ்வு என்பது சிலுவை பயண வாழ்வு. அவமான சின்னமாகிய சிலுவை நிலைவாழ்வுக்கு செல்லும் பயணத்திற்கு துணைநிற்கிறது. நிலைவாழ்வை விரும்புவோருக்கு குறிக்கோளாக இருக்கிறது. சீடர்கள் இதை உணர்ந்தவர்களாய் இயேசுவை பின்செல்லவேண்டும். இதுவே அவரை காண விரும்பியோருக்கு கொடுக்கப்படும் பதில்.