
18.09.2018 WIDOW’S SON


There were many disciples (a crowd) followed Jesus as he was going. There was another crowd following the bier. Two crowds meet: one mourning another rejoicing at the presence of Jesus and having seen many miracles done by Jesus. Meeting of the crowds has not done anything at all. But meeting Jesus and the bier (carrying the dead boy) has done something for the on lookers.

Jesus addressed the widow. For her this son was the only hope of her last days of life. She hoped that he would be the one who would take care of her. He was the only relation. He raised the boy with the command. Jesus had command over death. The crowds glorified God.

இயேசு ஒரு கைம்பெண்ணைச் சந்திக்கிறார். அவருக்குப் பின்னே ஒரு கூட்டம் அவருக்கு முன்னே ஒரு கூட்டம். ஆனால் இயேசு அந்த கைம்பெண்ணைப் பார்த்து பேசுகிறார். அதேபோல் இறந்த இளைஞரிடம் பேசுகிறார். அவர் பேசியதால் இழந்த உறவு மீட்டெடுக்கப்படகிறது.