
28.09.10 JOURNEY

When the days for his being taken up were fulfilled, he resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem, and he sent messengers ahead of him. On the way they entered a Samaritan village to prepare for his reception there, but they would not welcome him because the destination of his journey was Jerusalem. When the disciples James and John saw this they asked, "Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven to consume them?" Jesus turned and rebuked them, and they journeyed to another village. (Lk 9:51-56)



Jews in Galilee made a journey to Jerusalem: a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. This would take three to four days of walk. As they walk along, the Jews would narrate the great pilgrimage: exodus. As they walk along they would also tell other biblical stories: stories about kings and prophets and the dealings of God with the people.


Luke the Evangelist wants to tell us that Jesus is making his journey.  This Journey is to end in Jerusalem (the Promised Land for Jesus) where Jesus would fulfil his ‘exodus’.  Jerusalem is his goal. Travelling in obedience to God’s plan is the pilgrimage for Luke. And this is true for every follower (Christian) of Jesus.


When they meet with opposition, James and John want to call fire from heaven. They would be right and in the same position like prophet Elijah (  2Kg 1:10-12). But this is not the way of Jesus. Jesus’ entry is not a triumphant one clearing all resistance and opposition. Jesus’ journey is a journey of the kingdom with the message of Love.