
14.08.10 CHILDREN

Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked them, but Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." After he placed his hands on them, he went away. (Mt 19:13-15)



Many consider children as nuisance. Some feel that life only for those who are above certain age. Disciples are not exception to this. They too think that they are nuisance and hence they rebuked the children and tried to prevent them from coming closer to Jesus.


Jesus wanted the disciples to allow the little children come to him and they should not be prevented. The attitude of Jesus to the children seem to be different from that of the disciples. In fact what Jesus does is a lesson for the disciples. Children should not be looked down upon as mischievous, noisy, troublesome etc.


In stead they are the true candidates for the kingdom. The kingdom is for people of such type. The children are trust worthy, creative, lovable and the sort of qualities that make the person fit for the kingdom. Yes kingdom of heaven belong to such as these.