
02.12.2019 — Faith that recognized authority

1st week of Advent, Monday – 02nd December 2019 — Gospel: Mt 8,5-11

Faith that recognized authority

In today’s gospel, Jesus appreciates the faith of the centurion. In spite of his power and authority, the centurion comes in all humility and surrenders himself to Jesus. In his faith he recognized Jesus’ superior authority.  First, he sought out Jesus and came to him, even though he could have commanded through his servants to get him. Second, he addressed Jesus as “Lord” twice, a form of respect paid to a person in higher authority. Third, the centurion pleaded with Jesus to cure his servant by simply presenting the situation of his servant. Clearly, in all these things, he recognized Jesus as the Son of God, and believed in his power to heal paralytics with word alone. His faith in Jesus is not a leap into darkness; it is a leap out of darkness into light. It is a leap that covers distance. He teaches us that when we have faith in God, there is no room for doubting the power of God. Your recognition of the supreme authority of Jesus is demonstrated in the manner with which you approach him.