
10.03.2020 — True greatness

2nd week in Lent, Tuesday – 10th March 2020 – Mt 23, 1-12

True greatness

This section and the whole of chapter 23 disclose new lessons on leadership in contrast to their present religious leaders of Jerusalem. At first, Jesus acknowledges the respective role of the Jewish authorities as official teachers of the Torah. But he warns his followers not to imitate these authorities. Jesus then forbids the ostentatious use of honorific titles among his disciples. Any pretentious greetings, like “rabbi”, “father”, or “teacher”, that expresses a relationship of status and power are inappropriate for his followers. Humility, nor arrogance, should characterize discipleship. True greatness pertains to service, not privilege. A servant does not lay heavy burdens on the shoulders of others, but bears their burdens. A servant does not seek attention, because a servant’s attention is on the needs of others. A servant is not concerned about prestige, for a servant claims no titles. A servant simply serves, and within the community of disciples that is true greatness.