
23.04.2020 — The nature of the incarnated Son

2nd week in Easter, Thursday – 23rd April 2020 — Gospel: John 3, 31-36

The nature of the incarnated Son

John reflects upon the incarnate life of Christ in this section (3,31-36) along with prologue (1,1-18), and Jesus’ interaction with Nicodemus (3,16-21). For John, incarnation is the most significant even in human history, which is the heart of his gospel. There are three truths that are revealed here. First, Christ was from above and, therefore, above all (3,31). This concept is repeated twice in this line. As Word made flesh, Jesus came to this earth from above; and he came from heaven. Therefore, He is superior to all, to be respected and honoured above all. It is true that God used men like John the Baptist, the greatest of all, to reveal wonderful truths to the world, but he was limited in his perspective and stood in need of revelation from above.  Secondly, Christ, being from above, came to testify to what he has seen and heard (3,32-34). He, being the eternal Word of God – existing with God in the beginning – indeed, being God himself, came down on earth to reveal, to testify, to witness to that which he had seen and heard in the presence of God from all eternity. Therefore, His testimony is to be received by all. Thirdly, Christ, having finished his work, has been given authority over all things (3,35-36). He becomes the Lord of all. At the end of incarnation, through his death and resurrection, Christ is enthroned in heaven, with all things in subjection to him. Therefore, He is to be received as Lord of all.