
06.05.2020 — Fundamentals to believe in Jesus

4th week in Easter Time, Wednesday – 6th May 2020 — Gospel: Jn 12,44-50

Fundamentals to believe in Jesus

Jesus gives four reasons why the non-believers should believe in him. First, Jesus is one with the Father (Jn 12,44-45.49). Father and Son are so closely identified that to believe in Jesus is to believe in the Father and to see him is to see the Father. Jesus asserted his essential unity with the Father even much before this section (Jn 10,30.38; 8,19). Second, Jesus is light (Jn 12,46). As light, Jesus not only dispels darkness from this world, but enlightens all men (Jn 1,4-5.9; 3,19-21; 8,12; 9,5). This is the primary reason why Jesus came into the world, to redeem those who are in spiritual and moral darkness. Third, to reject Jesus words is to face his judgement on the last day (12,47-48). Jesus states these truths that have been repeatedly taught in the Gospel (Jn 3,17-18; 5,22.45-47; 8,15-16; 9,39). This is his final warning to those who reject him. Therefore he emphasizes on the judgement that will take place on the last day. Jesus also offers a sure way to escape that awful day: to believe in his word and the Father who sent him (Jn 5,24). Fourth, Jesus was the faithful messenger of the Father who sent him. He emphasizes twice that Father is the ultimate authority and source of all things. Jesus’ authority came from God and the word he spoke also came from God. He gives to the world God’s commandment to believe. And this commandment focuses on the most important matter of all, namely, eternal life. Therefore believe in Jesus, because He is one with the Father; He is the light; His words will judge all those who reject them; and He gives Father’s commandment that is eternal life.