
03.11.2020 — Invitation to enjoy God’s Presence

31st Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday – 3rd November 2020 — Gospel:             Lk 14,15-24

Invitation to enjoy God’s Presence

Jesus continues to teach about God’s kingdom using images of meals and banquets. Following his teachings, one of the guests utters a beatitude:  “Blessed is anyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God.” Most people sitting around Jesus, like this guest, assume that those who participate in the banquet of God’s kingdom will be only elite people: religious leaders, scholars of the law, the wealthy and influential, and those who enjoyed God’s blessings outwardly. However, Jesus suggests that those who will enter God’s great meal are those who are not invited much in advance or to other feasts. The parable of the great banquet describes the refusal of a grand opportunity by those considered worthy and bestowal of divine grace to the unexpected. The opted out religious leaders and others think of their own activities/planning as superior to being in the presence of God. The parable makes it clear that their withdrawal is not God’s desire. But the abundant gift of the kingdom is not lost because some reject it. God’s benevolence will not be undone by those who turn their back to God. Rather than postponing the meal since it is ready, the owner acts quickly to change the plans. Many others are invited and will attend in multitudes through God’s gracious generosity. Jesus emphasizes that the time of God’s kingdom is now and the response is urgent. His banquet lies in the joy of making the kingdom a reality, where justice and equality prevail forever.