
20.02.2021 — Ripple Effect of Grace

Saturday after Ash Wednesday – 20th February 2021 – Lk 5,27-32

Ripple Effect of Grace

Levi responded to Jesus’ call to follow him with amazing promptness. He was so overjoyed at his salvation experience and of his apostleship that he invited many of his friends to rejoice with him in a great banquet. Levi had three purposes for arranging this great feast. He wanted to honour the Lord, to witness publicly to his new commitment, and he wanted to introduce his friends to Jesus. The overflowing grace of repentance that Levi radiated was already evangelizing those around him. His old friends could sense something profoundly different in him. Of him Jesus said later to the chief priests, “Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you” (Mt 21,31). Levi was first in line of the stunning converts made by Jesus. In his turn, Levi communicated to others the grace Jesus gave him. His conversion had a ripple effect of grace.