
17.04.2021 — Comforting Theophany

2nd week in Easter, Saturday – 17th April 2021 — Gospel: John 6, 16-21

Comforting Theophany  

The Sea of Galilee is subject to sudden and violent storms. Since Jesus knew that a storm was coming, He deliberately left his disciples into danger. The reason being that the disciples were in danger of being swept along by a fanatical crowd. Another reason for leaving them at the storm would be that the disciples must balance their lives, otherwise they will become too proud and then fall. When Jesus was with the disciples, they had experienced great joy in being part of a thrilling miracle. Now they had to face a storm and learn to trust the Lord more. The feeding of the five thousand was the lesson, but the storm was an examination after the lesson.  When the apostles were being tossed about on the stormy sea, Jesus comes and comforts them and helps reach safe their destination. Jesus makes a path over the sea, but His footprints are not seen. He appears before them at the right moment with wonderful words of comfort, “It is I. Do not be afraid.” This could be a normal self-identification. But at a higher level, it is the absolute “I AM” (Ex 3,14). The theophany of Jesus is described as God’s eschatological revealer in whom God utters Himself. It means, ‘I am not a prophet (6,14), nor a king (6,15), but the one who bears the name of God (6,20).’ So far this is the second time in John’s Gospel where Jesus used this name of Yahweh as applying to Himself. By walking over the sea, Jesus manifests himself as God who has control over the waters. Thus Jesus reveals Himself as God, who is dynamically and actively present in human history, controlling all events as in Exodus.