
09.07.2022 — Leap Beyond Fear

14th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday – 9th July 2022 — Gospel: Mt 10,24-33

Leap Beyond Fear

“Fear not” is thrice spoken by Jesus as he sends out his disciples on a mission (10,26.28.31). Each occurrence is enforced by a reason. In the first, Jesus emboldens them to have complete confidence in proclaiming God’s kingdom. What Jesus has taught them privately must be proclaimed openly. The gospel is not a secret or esoteric message. What has been whispered in the darkness must come into the light and be proclaimed to all. Second reason for fearlessness is the limitation of enemy’s power to hurt. Since the disciples share the fate of their master, they should not fear their inevitable persecution and even martyrdom, because God will not allow their ultimate harm. The last reason for fearlessness touches a tender chord, and discloses a gracious thought of God as Father. The disciples must have a proper fear of God, but also to realize how valuable they are to God. God our Father is imminent in nature and because of that sonship, we are of more value than many sparrows. Just as God watches over every sparrow and numbers every hair on a person’s head, God’s unwavering commitment enables them to trust God for their eternal welfare. Disciples of Jesus, therefore, must live to leap beyond fear.