
24.9.2022 — Incomprehensibility of Divine Plan

25th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday – 24th September 2022 — Gospel: Lk 9,43b-45

Incomprehensibility of Divine Plan

The second prediction of betrayal of Jesus introduces an appeal to listen, which is not found in Mark’s Gospel, in order to bring out the gravity of the pronouncement. Being the second prediction, Luke leaves out the mention of the resurrection on the third day, but emphasizes the suffering in contrast to Jesus’ miraculous deeds. The necessity of the Passion of Christ, which is the centrality of Jesus’ mission, is clearly expressed. His suffering and death are part of the divine plan as already pre-announced by Deutero-Isaiah (Is 53,12). However, despite his appeal to listen (9,44a) the disciples do not understand. One can say the disciples are unable to move from glorious affirmation of Jesus’ identity to his own words regarding his fate in the hostile hands. However, the disciples’ ignorance is expressed in three different ways: “did not understand this saying”, “meaning was concealed from them”, “so that they could not perceive”. While the first reference points to the disciples’ personal effort, the second and third references give the reason that is not personal. Their lack of understanding is emphasized clearly as an action of God. Therefore, the total incomprehension of the disciples is also part of the divine plan, like the suffering and death of Jesus.