
31.03.2023 — Confident Prophet

5th week in Lent, Friday – 31st March 2023 – Jeremiah 20,10-13; Jn 10,31-42

Confident Prophet

Unique among the prophets, Jeremiah shares not only his message, but also details of his experience as a messenger. The prophet is attacked and denounced on all sides by his own people and friends and his struggles are displayed for all to see. Hiding from neither God, himself, nor the reader, Jeremiah refuses to be silenced by anyone who would rather turn away, by anyone who would prefer to reject him and tune out his message. But Jeremiah has confidence in his God and believes firmly that his attackers will not prevail: “The Lord is at my side… my opponents will stumble, mastered, confounded by their failure.” He is a confident prophet, who believes in his God of justice and truth, a God who is on the side of the needy and oppressed. Jeremiah knew that truth and justice will triumph ultimately, no matter how profound the human trails may be. His total trust and dependence on God made him not to be afraid of those who merely kill his body.