
19.03.2024 — Priority to God’s Vocation before Career

Solemnity of St. Joseph, Tuesday – 19th March 2024 – Matthew 1, 16.18-21

Priority to God’s Vocation before Career

Today we celebrate the solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He seems to be a strong and silent type. He was the one in the background who did what was asked of him and supported the family. When Joseph was warned by an angel in a dream to flee to Egypt with Mary and child Jesus, his reaction was quick. When the ‘Will of God’ or ‘God’s promises’ were revealed to him, he did not allow his perplexity or confusion to take over his faith. He surrendered himself to co-operate with the will of God. Because he realized that a new era had dawned in the history of God’s dealings with the human race. Joseph being a carpenter had to risk his job, business, livelihood and a comfortable life. But Joseph was a father and a husband before he was a businessman. When his child was threatened, his first obligation was to Jesus and Mary. His vocation outweighed his career. In a culture like ours, where too many parents make their careers and livelihood paramount and their children are too easily left behind, Joseph displays a different priority: A man whose vocation is more important than his career.