5th week in Easter Time, Tuesday – 30th April 2024 – Acts 14,19-28; Jn 14,27-31
Rejoice in Tribulations
In the first reading, Paul and Barnabas conclude their first missionary expedition and head back to the church of Antioch, who had sent them on the journey. In this voyage, they learned two important lessons. First, they enter the kingdom of God through tribulations and hardships. The kingdom is being built up through redemptive suffering and death. Therefore, preaching the Gospel means sharing in Christ’s suffering and rejection. Earlier the disciples rejoiced that they had been found worthy to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 5,41). Second, Paul and Barnabas saw clearly that God has opened the door of faith to the Gentiles. When the Jews rejected the Gospel message (Acts 13,45-48), they turned to the Gentiles. The Gentiles came to believe in Jesus Christ and received his salvation. In their proclamation, the Jews turned against Barnabas and Paul and pushed them out of the town and stoned them. However, the two apostles courageously went ahead in proclaiming the good news to the Gentiles, facing all the tribulations and sufferings.