
04.08.2015 LORD SAVE ME

Posted under Reflections on August 3rd, 2015 by


Jesus was the master of the nature. He had control over the nature. Wind and water and all the rest obeyed him. He could do this at anytime of the day or night: he did at the fourth watch of the night (3 am to 6 am). That was the time of the ghosts (anything moved around was considered as ghost). That was the time of fear and terror.

The disciples and in particular Peter was under the control of nature (he had no control over nature). It was the time when man had no control even on himself. It was not the time to think and reflect and react. It was the time to shrink and go into oneself in fear and trembling. This was also because he had no faith in God. Jesus taught the disciple to have faith in god even at the fourth watch and only man of faith could have control of things.

இயேசு கடவுளிடம் ஜெபித்துவிட்டு வருகிறார். விசுவாச நிறைவில் விசுவாச வெளிபாட்டில் வரும் அவருக்கு இயற்கையும் காலமும் அடிபணிகின்றன. மனிதனை இயற்கையும் காலமும் ஆட்கொள்கின்றன. ஆகவே அவன் பயத்தில் வாழ்கின்றான். (‘நம்பிக்கை குன்றியவனே> ஏன் ஐயம் கொண்டாய்?”). நம்பிக்கை நிறைந்தவனுக்கு இயற்கையும் காலமும் அடிபணியும்.


Posted under Reflections on July 31st, 2015 by


The disciples were like any other religious groups. They felt that they have done enough for the people. People have been healed and they have listened to their master and hence what more did they have the need of the master; and so they wanted the crowd to be dismissed.

Jesus was a different type of a leader. He did not just satisfy their requests only. He went beyond their requests and looked into their needs and had pity on them. He taught the disciples to go beyond their requests and look into their unexpressed needs.

சீடர்கள் மற்ற தலைவர்கள் பிற சபை தலைவர்கள் போல் சிந்திக்கிறார்கள். மக்கள் எதற்காக வந்தார்களோ அது நிறைவேறிவிட்டது அவாகள் திரும்பிப்போகலாம் என்று நினைக்கிறார்கள். இயேசு அவ்வாறு அல்ல. அவர்கள் விரும்பிக் கேட்காத ஆனால் அத்தியாவசியமான தேவைகளையும் நிறைவு செய்கிறார்.

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