

Posted under Reflections on September 17th, 2014 by


Jesus had many followers. He had thousands of them (he fed five thousand who followed him and there were many more thousands) who followed him. There were also seventy two disciples whom he sent them two by two ahead of him. He also chose twelve apostles that he might send them.

Besides these there were also women who followed him and ministered to him and his apostles from their own resources. These women were the ones who Jesus had healed them and cured them of evil spirits. They showed their gratitude through their service.

இயேசுவுக்குப்பின் சென்றவர்கள் பலர். ஆயிரமாயிரம் பேர் அவரை பின்பற்றினர். அவர்களில் சீடர்கள் இருந்தார்கள் திருத்தூதர்கள் இருந்தார்கள். இவர்களோடு இயேசுவின் புதுமைகளை பெற்ற பெண்கள் பணிவிடை செய்ய பின்தொடர்ந்தனர்.

18.09.2014 EXPECTATION

Posted under Reflections on September 17th, 2014 by


Everyone in the world has a code of behavior for others. Each one expects the other to behave according to his work he does. A prophet should be aware of other people and relate to them accordingly. Instead a sinner should behave in such a way that she does not associate with everyone openly etc.

Jesus was behaving like a person of God. He was seeing the faith of the person in her behavior. And he himself behaved like God in forgiving the sinner. Belief and forgiveness go hand in hand. Faith of the person is expressed in human actions. Faith is made visible and it always brings its reward.

ஒவ்வொருவரையும் அவரவர் அழைப்பிற்கேற்ப பணிக்கேற்ப செயல்பட எதிர்பார்க்கிறோம். கடவுளையும் கடவுள் குணத்தையும் எல்லாரும் வெளிப்படுத்த முடியும் அதற்கான நம்பிக்கையான சூழல்இருக்கும்போது என்று செயல்படுத்திக் காட்டுகிறார் இயேசு.

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