
10.09.2014 JESUS

Posted under Reflections on September 13th, 2014 by


Jesus speaks about two groups of people: one he calls them blessed and another he condemns. The group which he calls blessed is made up of those who are poor, hungry, weeping, hated, insulted. All these are on account of Jesus. It is not any suffering that makes one blessed.

But those who are happy, filled with everything, laugh around, and praised about are in fact condemned by Jesus. One reason is that they have received their reward and also they have received not on account of Jesus. Jesus should be the criteria for anything and everything.

ஒரு சிலரை பேறுபெற்றோர் என்று அழைக்கிறார். வேறு சிலரிடம் ஐயோ! உங்களுக்குக் கேடு! என்று கூறுகிறார். இயேசுவை மையமாக வைத்து வாழ்பவர்கள் பேறு பெற்றவர்கள்.

09.09.2014 PURPOSE

Posted under Reflections on September 13th, 2014 by


This is a summary passage given by the author about the life and activities of Jesus. Jesus came into the world with a purpose and he was committed to it till the end of his life. He went about doing it from day one and there was no turning back from it.

He had come from the Father and hence he had to have a constant contact with the Father and that was the reason that he spent lots of time in prayer. He went about doing good to the people healing them from sicknesses and cleansing them from unclean spirits.

இயேசுவின் வாழ்வும் பணியும் இங்கு சித்தரிக்கப்படுகின்றன. அவர் ஜெபத்தில் இறைவனோடு தொடர்பு கொணடடிருந்தார். எல்லாருக்கும் நன்மை செய்து வந்தார். தீமையை அகற்றினார்.

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