
12.07.2014 WORTH

Posted under Reflections on July 11th, 2014 by


It is good to remember one of the principles, and particularly the doctrine of God’s universal providence, extending itself to all the creatures, and all their actions, even the smallest and minutest. The sparrow is of so small account, that one of them is not valued; there must go two to be worth a penny. Though they are so small a part of the creation, yet even their death comes within the notice of the divine providence; much more does the death of his disciples.

The very hairs of your head are numbered is a proverbial expression denoting the account which God takes in the concerns of his people. If God numbers their hairs, much more does he number their heads, and takes care of their lives, their needs and their souls. It intimates that God takes more care of them than they do of themselves. Men keep counting their money, their goods and their cattle and they do not know when the hair falls yet God takes care of the things which man does not even bother to care for, and that is God’s providence.

கடவுளின் பராமரிப்பு சிறு பொருள்கள்மீது கூட உண்டு. ஒரு சிட்டுக் குருவிக்கு மதிப்பு கிடையாது. இரண்டு சிட்டுக் குருவிகள் சேர்ந்துதான் ஒரு காசு. அவைகளை பராமரிக்கும் கடவுள் தன் சீடர்களை அதைவிட பேணிக்காப்பார். தலைமுடி போன்ற முக்கியமில்லாத மனித கவனத்திற்கு உட்படாத பொருள் கூட கடவுளின் பராமரிப்பில் உள்ளது.

11.07.2014 WISE & GENTLE

Posted under Reflections on July 10th, 2014 by


Because the apostles are exposed to dangers and face difficulties they have to be wise as serpents. Jesus does not say be wise as foxes because the cunningness of the foxes is to deceive others. The wisdom of the serpent is only defend itself and to run to its safety. So the apostles should be wise enough not to bring problems to themselves rather by being silent in an evil time they may escape danger.

Since the apostles are sent as sheep among wolfs, they must be harmless as doves. The apostles should be innocent and inoffensive in word and deed. The doves are mild, meek, and dispassionate and do harm to nobody or bear any ill will to anyone. They should be wise like serpent not to receive any harm from anyone and as dove not to give any harm to anyone.

ஏன் நரிகளைப்போல் முன்மதி உடையவர்களாக என்று இயேசு சொல்லவில்லை? நரியின் முன்மதி பிறரை ஏமாற்றுவதற்கு ஆனால் பாம்பின் முன்மதி தன்னை காப்பாற்றிக் கொள்வதற்கு. திருத்தூதர்கள் முன்மதியோடு தங்களைக் காப்பாற்றிக் கொள்ளவேண்டும். புறாக்களைப்போல் பிறருக்கு தீங்கு விளைவிக்கக்கூடாது.

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