
06.06.2014 LOVE

Posted under Reflections on June 5th, 2014 by


This (You know that I love you) is one of the best expressions made by Peter. There is another statement in which he expressed “where shall we go for you have the words of eternal life”. Peter was very close to Jesus and he had seen everything of Jesus’ activities. So these expressions were not made without serious thinking. What he had seen and experienced was what he expressed.

The expression of Peter reveals the understanding Peter has of Jesus. For Peter, Jesus is a person who knows everything. He knows everything about Peter (about everyone) and he also knows that the intentions of Peter and his activities. Jesus also knows the internal feeling of a person. It is this understanding that makes Peter to commit himself to Jesus.

இயேசுவுக்கு எல்லாம்தெரிந்தவர் என்பது பேதுருவின் மனநிலை. பேதுருவைப்பற்றியும் அவரது மனதில் என்ன ஓடுகிறது என்பதையும் இயேசு நன்கு அறிந்திருந்தார். இதனால்தான் பேதுரு தனது வாழ்வை முழுமையாக இயேசுவுக்கு அர்ப்பணித்திருந்தார்.


Posted under Reflections on June 3rd, 2014 by


This is a beautiful statement made by Jesus in his prayer. He prayed for his disciples and prayed for all those who believed in him and will believe in him. In that sense he has prayed for all of us two thousand years ago (I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word).

In his prayer he tells the father that his disciples and his followers and those who believe in him are a gift from the father. He takes every one of us as a gift. He wants the gift to be with him always (I wish that where I am they also may be with me). He also prayed that his followers should be witnesses to the glory that god has reserved for him.

சீடர்களையும்> அவர்மேல் நம்பிக்கை கொள்பவர்களையும் இயேசு கொடையாக கருதுகிறார். அவர்கள் என்றும் அவரோடு இருக்கவேண்டும்> அவருடைய மகிமையில் அவரை காணவேண்டும் என விரும்புகிறார். இதுவே அவரது ஜெபம்.

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