

Posted under Reflections on February 17th, 2012 by



Jesus has already asked the disciples about their opinion about himself. He has asked them about what they thought about him. Here he gives his mind about who he is or what he would do. The disciples in the person of Peter said that he was the Messiah. Now Jesus revealed to them the he would rise again after all the sufferings and death.


On the mountain there appeared to them Elijah and Moses. These two were the founders and builders of the Israelite religion on belief in one God. Moses was the first one to propose to the people Yahweh, the one true God. When the people stayed away from this belief Elijah confirmed this same faith in Yahweh at Mount Carmel. Now Jesus has come to lead the people back to this very same faith.


ew;nra;jp thrfk;: khw;F 9:2-13


rPlu;fs; ,NaRit ahu; vd;W ntspg;gLj;jpdhu;fs; (nkrpah). ,NaR ,q;Nf jd;idg;gw;wp ahu; vd;W ntspg;gLj;Jfpwhu;. ,wg;Gf;Fgpd; capu;g;G cz;L vd;gij nrhy;yhky; nrhy;Yfpwhu;. jhd; capu;j;j gpwFjhd; ,ijg;gw;wp NgrNtz;Lk; vd;W nrhy;Yfpwhu;. mNjhL jdJ gzpAk; cz;ik flTs; xUtNu vd;gij NkhNr vypahNthL cwthLjy; topahf ntspg;gLj;Jfpwhu;.


Posted under Reflections on February 16th, 2012 by



We have a challenging invitation from Jesus to be his disciples. He does not mince words about following him. He does not soft pedal. His demands are very clear. All what he says are based on his own life style. The things that he is doing are what he demands of his disciples. These demands are made both from his disciples and the crowd.


To be a disciple of Jesus one has to renounce his life (life is not ones own it is a free gift of God). Everyone has a cross to carry (like Jesus everyone should live his life saying ‘your –God- will be done and not mine’). Following Jesus is a journey to Calvary (everyone has his Calvary to reach up to). All these are to be done for the sake of Jesus and his gospel. All the rest are only a waste.


ew;nra;jp thrfk;: khw;F 8:34-9:1


,NaRtpd; rPluhjYf;F xNu topjhd;. jd; tho;it ,oe;J (tho;T flTspd; nfhil ahUf;Fk; nrhe;jkhdjy;y)@ rpYitia Rke;Jnfhz;L (,iwrpj;jj;ij ,NaRitg;Nghy; – ckJ rpj;jg;gbNa Mfl;Lk; vd;W tho;e;J) ,NaRit gpd;gw;wp (,NaRitNghy; fy;thupf;F nrd;W xt;nthUtUf;Fk; xU fy;thup cz;L) tho;tNj rPlj;Jt tho;T.

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