

Posted under Reflections on January 1st, 2010 by

In presenting himself to the people, John the Baptist, assures that he is only the voice.

We know well that the voice is only a sound and it does not express itself fully. It only indicates something or something that is going to happen. 

In the same gospel, the author, John, presents Jesus as the word. Word has a meaning and it has a purpose and it has an origin and it has a destiny (Jn 1, 1-14) 

This distinction between the voice and the word has to be kept in mind. Many a times the voice can pretend to be the word band behave so. At times we do the same. Whereas John the Baptist is very clear in saying that he is only a voice -a sound and a sound of its own has no meaning , purpose, destiny etc.  

Voice foreruns the imminent appearance of the word. May we acquire the same attitude in our ministry 


Posted under Reflections on December 31st, 2009 by

The first day of the New Year always venerates Our Lady as the Mother of God. The Church desires that Our Lady journeys with her right through the whole year. We too pray to her saying ‘be with us Mary along the way’.

Mary, while she was on the earth has journeyed a lot and thus she becomes a model to us.

Ø She journeyed to Judea to meet her cousin Elizabeth
Ø She went to the Temple in Jerusalem to offer the Child Jesus in the Temple
Ø She journeyed to Jerusalem almost every year for the feast of Passover (with Jesus at the age of 12)
Ø She went to Egypt with Joseph and the child
Ø She traveled to Cana in Galilee
Ø She journeyed with Jesus during his ministry
Ø She was again with Jesus during his journey to Calvery
And so on.

So Mary knows the difficulties of our life of journey.

That is why we pray to her “Be with us Mary along he way and guide every step we take”

This is our prayer today as we begin this new year that she be with us during the journey this year and guides through every step that we take during this year. Her presence through her intercession and intervention (as in Cana) will take us all to meet her Son Jesus –Son of God and Son of Man.

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