
16.04.2013 GOD ACTS


What can you do?
Though they saw Jesus performing miracles yet they did not accept them as signs. They were asking for more signs and their understandings of signs were mere external performances and they did not want anything to be done with heavenly realities. That is why they argued saying that their ancestors ate manna in the desert. It was Moses and the bread they ate.

Jesus was telling his listeners that even Moses was only an instrument in the hands of God and it was God who was giving bread to the ancestors. Moses and the bread were only signs of God’s providence in the wilderness. Signs should lead people to God and see God present in the realities of the world.

நற்செய்தி வாசகம்: யோவான் 6:30-35

என்ன அரும் செயல் செய்கிறீர்?
மக்கள் வெறும் செயல்களைக் காண்கிறார்கள். அவைகளை அடையாளங்களாக காண்பதில்லை. மோசே வானிலிருந்து அவர்களுக்கு உணவு அருளினார் என்று எண்ணிக்கொண்டிருந்தார்கள். மோசேவும் உணவும்கூட அடையாளங்கள்தான். எல்லாமே கடவுளை சுட்டிக்காட்டும் அடையாளங்கள்.