
19.01.2012 CROWDS




People began to flock him in crowds. People from every part of the known world for them came to him. They all came to him because they saw in him a healer. This was only going to show that they were many who were sick at that time and there was the inner longing in the people to be whole and healed. Jesus mission was to make people whole. It is the sick who need the doctor and not the healthy.


The evil spirits fell at his feet and worshipped him. They shouted saying you are the son of God. Evil spirits recognized in him the presence of God. God was in him and he was God himself and that was the reason they fell at his feet. Evil spirits were also indirectly proclaiming who Jesus was to the crowds. Like John the Baptist, like the mighty works done to the people and the healing done to the people so also the evil spirits were the forerunners in announcing who Jesus was.