
30.01.2020 — Revelation made known

Week 3 of Ordinary Time, Thursday – 30th January 2020 — Gospel: Mark 4,21-25

Revelation made known

Four ambiguous sayings of Jesus are paired (4,21-22 and 4,24-25) and sandwiched with solemn admonition to listen (4,23 similar to 4,9). Despite the obscurity of the parables and the difficulties people have in understanding Jesus’ teaching (4,11-12), his purpose is not to hide the mystery of the kingdom but to make it known. The implication is that the lamp is Jesus, who has come into the world to bring humanity the light of revelation (Lk 2,32; Jn 1,9; 8,12). Just as Jesus’ identity cannot be prematurely publicized with false understanding of the messiah, so the mystery of the kingdom has to germinate and sprout deep within human hearts before its full splendour. On the one level the saying, of the lamp under a basket, alludes to the fact that the time of hiddenness has ended with Jesus’ resurrection. Now the mystery of his messianic identity and mission is fully revealed, and it is the responsibility of his followers to take that light into the whole world. On another level the kingdom is still hidden in the trails and setbacks that accompany the Church’s mission of evangelization. In the end, all that God wishes to reveal is destined to come to light.