
23.10.2020 — Eschatological Outlook on Disputes

29th Week in Ord. Time, Friday – 23rd October 2020 — Gospel: Lk 12,54-59

Eschatological Outlook on Disputes

Considering the urgency of the present moment and the signs of the times around them, Jesus urges the people to take the right course of action. With the parable of the debtor, he insists that they settle the accounts on their own with God and neighbour. Jesus wishes that they make every effort to settle accounts so that they may be blameless when they are brought to the court. If not, not only the debtor’s guilt is exposed, but he is forced to remain in prison until his whole debt is paid. This may not be the legal system in his day, but Jesus appears to have little regard for “judges” with his eschatological outlook. He also forewarns about the need to avoid judges. We do notice that he himself does not wish to play the role between quarrelling brothers over inheritance (12,13-14) nor does he hesitate to tell parables in which “unjust judges” act (18,1-8). The point Jesus makes is that we should respond to God’s call and repent now, before it is too late. Jesus’ advice to settle out of court (12,58) is shared by Paul, although the apostle does not credit Jesus with his own advice (1 Cor 6,1-8). Instead of trying to reconcile with those with whom we live with, we continue fighting among themselves. This type of disputing will lead to conditions where all the contenders will lose. On the other hand, reconciliation seeks unity and understanding.