
24.10.2020 — Tips To Face Tragical Ends

29th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday – 24th October 2020 — Gospel:             Lk 13,1-9

Tips To Face Tragical Ends

In continuing the theme of “how to interpret the present time”, Jesus uses two recent tragedies to emphasize the need for repentance. Regarding some Galileans whom Pilate killed and about those persons who were crushed under the tower in Siloah, Jesus tells the crowds that their death was not caused by their sins. Rather Jesus uses these incidents as a wake-up call, an opportunity to have the right relationship with God. He warns them about the fragile nature of life and the tragic end that faces everyone who fails to repent. The timing and the circumstances of death are not so important when compared to the woes that befall those who fail to respond to God’s saving work. Jesus also makes it clear through these historical events that what is required on the part of the human person is not the focus on sin and its consequences but on one’s repentance. Therefore, he continually urges about the need for urgent change of one’s lifestyle, reforming one’s thinking and behaviour, and orienting oneself to God.