
03.05.2021 — Distinctive Disciples

Sts. Philip and James, Monday – 3rd May 2021 — Gospel: Jn 14,6-14

Distinctive Disciples

Today the church celebrates the Feast of St. Philip and St. James the lesser.  Philip is mentioned more often in the Gospels than James.  This James is not the son of Zebedee and brother of John the Apostle, but the son of Alphaeus and Mary of Clopas and the brother of Jude Thaddeus. He was related to Jesus and often called “brother of the Lord.” Tradition says that soon after Jesus’ ascension, the apostles unanimously elected him as the first bishop of Jerusalem. James was only known by name and nothing else in the Gospels. Yet he was a disciple, an apostle and a follower of Jesus. Similarly we are called to be disciples, apostles and followers of Jesus, not seeking to have our names written in human history books, but in the Book of life.

Philip is mentioned seven times in the gospels and once in Acts. Philip’s only significance comes in the Gospel of John, portrayed as the one who does not fully understand or grasp what Jesus is all about. Today’s Gospel relates Philip’s question of Jesus at the Last Supper. Jesus has just told His followers that He is the way, the truth, and the life and that no one comes to His Father except through Himself. Philip asks Jesus to show them the Father. How often we are like Philip question Jesus because we have not fully grasped the mission and ministry of Jesus. Instead Jesus asks the question to see if we trust Him enough through the situation. Just as Philip wanted Jesus to reveal His Father, we too want to see the full picture and therefore raise questions to Jesus. We do not realize, just as Philip did not realize, that if we keep our eyes focused on Jesus we will see more than we can ever desire, hope for, or imagine.  As follower of Jesus, we need to trust and believe in Jesus, the way, the truth and life, who leads us to the home of His Father.