
09.09.2021 — Called to Practice Eschatological Mercy

23rd Week in Ord. Time, Thursday – 09th September 2021 — Gospel:               Lk 6,27-38

Called to Practice eschatological mercy 

Jesus’ words about unlimited generosity doesn’t encourage victimization, rather teaches radical ethic of self-giving. His point isn’t to deprive anyone of their dignity; it is to demonstrate the eschatological mercy of God (6,36), which is a mercy so extravagant that it looks foolish by our conventional measures. We do know that mercy is one of God’s primary qualities (Ex 34,6-7).  God is merciful by offering the possibility of turning away from disobedience and punishment and turning towards kingdom of heaven. Three things happen when the community acts on these directives. First, the witnessing community extends the mercy of God to those who face destructive lives. Second, those who extend mercy find their experience of mercy deepened, which is partial experience of the kingdom here and now. Third, the Church models the promise of the kingdom for other communities that needs to be the goal of the church.