
03.08.2022 — Break Through in Obstacles

18th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday – 3rd August 2022 — Gospel: Mt 15,21-28

Break Through in Obstacles

The Canaanite woman addresses Jesus three times. She moves gradually from her acknowledgement of the Jewish title as the “son of David”, through her trust in the “Lord” of the Gentiles (15,22.25.27) and worships Jesus as God by saying “Lord, help me”. A bit strained but in an admirable direction she moves; for when she pleads for mercy upon herself and her demon-tormented daughter, Jesus responds with a silent rebuff. Refusing to accept being ignored, the woman comes to the front side of the group and kneels before Jesus. Three facts might have encouraged her: Jesus has come to her territory crossing the boundary; Jesus did not say no when she asked for help; and when he did speak Jesus did not send her away as his disciples asked him to do. Jesus presence, his silence, and his enigmatic speech – helps the woman with desperate faith to find footing. She is absolutely confident that Jesus can heal her daughter if he is inclined. Faith believes Jesus is good even when reason is not so sure.