Wednesday of the Holy Week – 27th March 2024 – Isaiah 50,4-9; Mt 26,14-25
Mission to the Weary
The first reading presents the third song of the suffering servant. It goes deeper into the mystery of the Servant’s prophetic mission and passion. The Servant speaks about his past obedience and sufferings as the disciple of the Lord. He is also confident that the Lord will vindicate him against his opponents. God has given his Servant the ability to speak eloquently and instructed him on the mission to the weary. This mission to the weary extends to all people: the Jews are weary under the burden of the Law of Moses and the Gentiles are weary under the burden of false idols. Jesus as the suffering servant is sent on the mission from God: to free all humanity from its weariness. His mission involves suffering on behalf of his people. Although he bears sufferings and rejection, yet finally he is exalted and vindicated. It is his suffering that brings justice, salvation and blessings to all those who are weary.