
07.08.2014 SIMON

Posted under Reflections on August 5th, 2014 by


Simon became blessed because he was opened to the revelation of God. Revelation could either come from God or from human beings. Revelation from human beings could lead one to wrong conclusions. One should be able to discern the revelation. Discernment should be accompanied by recognition by Jesus.

Within a short time Simon fails. Here he accepted the human revelation and believed it to be right (You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do). Discernment is a must. Revelations from God and from humans are always there. They are always intertwined. Man has to discern and Jesus acknowledges when the right discernment is done and declines when wrong discernment is done.

வெளிப்பாடுகள் இறைவனிடமிருந்தும் வரலாம் மனிதனிடமிருந்தும் வரலாம். மனிதன் அதை ஆய்ந்துஅறிய வேண்டும். இறைவெளிப்பாட்டை மனிதன் பேசினால் இயேசு அதை ஏற்றுக்கொள்கிறார். மனித வெளிப்பாடாக இருந்தால் அதை இயேசு மறுக்கிறார்.


Posted under Reflections on August 5th, 2014 by

Jesus went up a high mountain. Usually when Jesus goes up any mountain it was for prayer and he always went alone. He never took anyone with him. This time he took with him three witnesses and he did not take all his disciples. This was a personal experience of Jesus (like prayer) yet it had to be witnessed to communicate something. And this communication should take place only after his resurrection.

There was transfiguration before the three of them. They saw a different face of Jesus. Till now they saw him like anyone of them. But now he appeared differently for them. The changes are compared to light and sun. His face was like sun. No one could look at his face directly. Again his clothes were white as light. Light is bright and it could not be seen directly. Jesus was other worldly person (not earthly let us say)

Rightly so there were two more persons talking to him and they were from the other world. There were with him Moses and Elijah. These were the proponents of belief in one true God. Moses had the experience of one true God on Mount Sinai and Elijah made the people to believe in one true God on Mount Carmel. Jesus joins these two on this mount to continue the same: he has come to reveal the one true God

இயேசு மலைமேல் ஏறிச்செல்கிறார். ஜெபிப்பதற்கல்ல. தன்னைப்பற்றிய உண்மையை வெளிப்படுத்த. தூள் இவ்வுலகைச் சார்ந்தவன் அல்ல என்பதை வெளிப்படுத்த. ஆகவேதான் மோசேயும் எலியாவும் தோன்றுகிறார்கள். இவர்களட அனைவரும் ஒரே கடவுளை அறிவித்தவர்கள். மறுஉலகம் கடவுளைச் சார்ந்தது.

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