
04.08.2014 FAITH

Posted under Reflections on August 3rd, 2014 by

GOSPEL READING: Mt 14. 22-36

Among the disciples Peter was certainly a fisherman. He was confident of himself in the sea. This is one of the reasons why he asked Jesus to let him also walk on the water. Jesus wanted to teach him (probably) a lesson and so he let him do it. Peter tried it by himself and he was a failure. Jesus had already said once to Peter that unless it is revealed from the father you would not have said this.

Jesus taught the disciples that they should have faith. In the case of miracles also, Jesus told the persons who were healed that their faith had healed them. In life anything positive or successful is a gift of God and this is given to those who are men of faith. Faith is essential for a happy and successful life. Men of little faith also live their lives but they struggle through difficulties and problems.

நம்பிக்கை வாழ்க்கைக்கு அடிப்படையானது. வாழ்க்கையில் நல்லது வெற்றிகரமானது நிறைவானது எல்லாம் நம்பிக்கையில்தான் நடக்கிறது. நம்பிக்கை குறைவு துன்பங்களையும் துயரங்களையும் எதிர்கொள்ள வேண்டியிருக்கிறது


Posted under Reflections on August 2nd, 2014 by


The disciples were like any other religious groups. They felt that they have done enough for the people. People have been healed and they have listened to their master and hence what more did they have the need of the master; and so they wanted the crowd to be dismissed.

Jesus was a different type of a leader. He did not just satisfy their requests only. He went beyond their requests and looked into their needs and had pity on them. He taught the disciples to go beyond their requests and look into their unexpressed needs.

சீடர்கள் மற்ற தலைவர்கள் பிற சபை தலைவர்கள் போல் சிந்திக்கிறார்கள். மக்கள் எதற்காக வந்தார்களோ அது நிறைவேறிவிட்டது அவாகள் திரும்பிப்போகலாம் என்று நினைக்கிறார்கள். இயேசு அவ்வாறு அல்ல. அவர்கள் விரும்பிக் கேட்காத ஆனால் அத்தியாவசியமான தேவைகளையும் நிறைவு செய்கிறார்.

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