

Posted under Reflections on March 4th, 2014 by


Almsgiving, prayer and fasting are the three major religious practices in the Jewish religion. Practices in a religion make one whole and integral. Also these practices make one to relate to God, to one another and within oneself.

Almsgiving makes the doer to relate to the poor and the needy. It makes him feel with the needy and makes the doer to go down to level of the needy and to associate with him. Almsgiving builds up an attitude towards the poor.

Prayer makes one to relate to God. Prayer is in fact relationship with God and that is why praying is a mystery. This relationship is personal and secret. Relationship with God is not for public show. Religious practices have only one goal: right relationship.

Fasting and doing penances are to build right relationship within oneself. Whatever one does for oneself should make him integral. There should be cohesion in his doing and saying. His religious practices (fasting etc) are not for others. It is for himself only.

அறச்செயல்கள் (தர்மம் செய்தல், இறைவேண்டல், நோன்பு இருத்தல்) எல்லாமே உறவை வளர்க்கவே. தர்மம் செய்தல் அடுத்திருப்பவரோடு (ஏழைகளோடு) உறவை வளர்க்கிறது. இறைவேண்டல் இறைவனோடு சரியான உறவை வளர்க்கிறது. நோன்பு இருத்தல் தனக்குள்ளே உள்ள உறவை சரிசெய்கிறது. சரியான உறவுதான் வாழ்வின் நோக்கம் அதுவே அறச்செயல்களின் குறிக்கோள்.

04.03.2014 FOLLOW

Posted under Reflections on March 3rd, 2014 by


Jesus had many followers. There were those who followed him but still holding on to their wealth, relatives and other things. There were still others who left certain things but holding on to certain other things and followed him. But there were few who left everything to follow Jesus.

Reward and honour are given to only those who give up properties, relations and possessions for the sake of Jesus and his Gospel. Interestingly what is given up is given back a hundredfold. It only goes to say that there is no real giving up on this earth. Man will always possess material thing and will have human relations. Extra rewards are the ones that have to be considered. They are persecutions and eternal life. Persecutions are on this earth and eternal life will be in the next.

இயேசுவை பின்செல்லுதல் என்பது அனைத்தையும் தவிர்த்து இயேசுவை முன்வைத்து வாழ்வை நடத்துவதாகும். உறவுகள் செல்வம் பொருள்கள் அனைத்தையும் தவிர்ப்பது சீடத்துவம். ஆனால் இவை அனைத்தும் நூறு மடங்கு இவவுலகில் கிடைக்கும் என்பது இறைவனின் கொடையே.

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