
10.02.2014 HEALING

Posted under Reflections on February 9th, 2014 by


The healing ministry of Jesus received many people. Everyone from all over brought in people of all types of illnesses. The crowd was so great that there was not place for the people to go near Jesus. Jesus touched and healed many people. He asked them to have faith in God and their faith healed.

The healing power was not only in Jesus but also in the surrounding of Jesus. People who approached him and touched his clock were also healed. The healing power was in the clothes that he was wearing. Healing power was going out of him and it was from the whole person of Jesus and the surrounding.

இயேசுவின் குணமளிக்கும் வல்லமை மக்களை அவர் பக்கம் கொண்டுவந்தது. மக்கள் கூட்டம் கூட்டமாக அவரிடம் வந்தார்கள். குணமளிக்கும் வல்லமை அவரில் மட்டுமல்ல அவருடைய சுற்றுப்புறத்திலும் இருந்தது. அவருடைய உடையிலும் இருந்தது.

09.02.2014 SALT

Posted under Reflections on February 8th, 2014 by


Salt is to give taste and season the food. Jesus tells his listeners that they are the salt of the earth. His disciples are to give taste to the earth and season the earth. His followers are not just to live and let live the others. Their life is not self oriented either. Life of any disciple of Jesus has to communicate something to the people around. Disciples have to season the world and give taste to the world.

Disciples are also light of the world. They have to illumine the world and they have to be visible. Again, like the salt, light is not for itself. It is for the others. And the qualities of light are to be seen and illumine the others. Disciples’ lives are to give light to the others.

Good deeds of the disciples are the salt and light. Jesus concludes thus saying that the people may see your good deeds and give glory to God. Good deeds of the disciples should add taste to the world and season the world. Good deeds also should illumine the world and be seen as good deeds. These good deeds are those that give glory to God. The disciples should not expect rewards for themselves for the good deeds done. The goal of the good deeds is the glory of God.

உணவும் ஒளியும் வாழ்வுக்கு இன்றியமையாதவைகள். உணவு ருசியாக இருக்கவேண்டும் அதேபோல் கெட்டுப்போகாமல் இருக்கவேண்டும். சீடர்கள் இதுபோன்ற அடிப்படை பணிகளைச் செய்யவேண்டும்.

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