
23.01.2014 CROWD

Posted under Reflections on January 28th, 2014 by


Jesus was very busy at work. His work was at the synagogue and then in the sea side. He did not restrict his activities to one place only. He did not want to be confined to either synagogue or outside only. Wherever people gathered in his name he was there. He blessed the people, cured them, and cleansed them from evil spirits wherever they were. He was ready to be present anywhere provided people were there in his name.

People came from the north (Galilee), from the south (Judea), from the east (Idumea) and from the west (Tyre and Sidon). People came from all over because the news about him spread everywhere. Closeness to him brought healing. He never went into retirement even if he did so he was always available for the people who sought after him.

மக்கள் வடக்கிலிருந்தும் (கலிலேயா)> தெற்கிலிருந்தும் (ய+தேயா)> கிழக்கிலிருந்தும் (இதுமேயா) மேலும் மேற்கிலிருந்தம் (தீர்> சீதோன்) அவரைத்தேடி வந்தார்கள். அவருடைய செயல்களைப்பற்றிய செய்தி எங்கும் பரவியது. அவரோடு நெருக்கமாய் இருப்பவர் குணம் பெற்றனர் (நோயுற்றோர் அனைவரும் அவரைத் தொடவேண்டுமென்று வந்து அவர்மீது விழுந்து கொண்டிருந்தனர்).


Posted under Reflections on January 28th, 2014 by


Jesus was in the synagogue again. And there was a man with withered hand. Jesus had pity on him and he wanted the people also to have compassion on the sick person. Jesus wanted the people who were there to see the situation rightly and that was why he called the man to stand in the middle. Seeing him they did not have compassion. Jesus then appealed to their reasoning with a question. Even then they did not have compassion.

Jesus was grieved for the hardness of their hearts as God was grieved at the hardness of the hearts of their forefathers in the wilderness. Hardness of their hearts prevented them from seeing the good for the others and what was lawful. The anger of Jesus is justifiable because the Pharisees were preventing goodness and justice.

இயேசு தொழுகைக்கூடத்திற்குள் மீண்டும் செல்கிறார். அங்கே கை சூம்பியரை கண்டு மனமிரங்குகிறார். அங்கிருந்தவர்கள் இரக்கம்காட்டவில்லை. அவனை நடுவில் நிற்க வைக்கிறார்@ அவனைப்பார்த்தாவது அவர்கள் இரங்குவார்களா என்று பார்த்தார்@ இரங்கவில்லை. கேள்விகேட்டு அவர்களை சிந்திக்க தூண்டுகிறார். பயன் இல்லை. எனவே அவர்கள்மீது சினம்கொண்டு வருந்துகிறார்.

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