
08.01.2012 WISE MEN

Posted under Reflections on January 24th, 2012 by

GOSPEL  READING:  Mt 2: 1-12



Wise men come in search of the new born king. They are usually considered to be coming from the east. They were also guided by the stars. Wise men are those who study the stars and the nature and see the events of life differently form the ordinary people who just accept things as they happen. Wise people read nature and read the signs of the times and respond accordingly.


When the news of the birth of a new king reached the ears of Herod he asked the scribes and religious leaders to find out the truth about the child. The scribes and the religious leaders search the bible to find the truth. They too find the truth and inform the wise men. Wisdom searches for the truth in nature but the word of God confirms the truth. Wisdom and the word of God are needed to guide one to arrive at truth. 

07.01.2012 CANA

Posted under Reflections on January 24th, 2012 by




Mary attends the function. She also takes a role which indicates that she was closer to the family. She feels with their situation and she wanted to do something to alleviate the difficult situation. She does not show herself to be a mere guest or an invitee but rather she presents herself to be belonging to the family. Her insistence that Jesus should to something for them again shows her closeness.


This is the first sign that Jesus does in his public ministry. The author does not present Jesus as doing some in religious function or a temple-related function or a law-related situation. He is presented as upholding a family or keeping up the honour and prestige of the family in a difficult situation. Family is the basis for every other situation.

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