
09.04.2024 — Example of Encouragement

Posted under Reflections on April 9th, 2024 by

2nd week in Easter Time, Tuesday – 9th April 2024 – Acts 4,32-37; Jn 3,7-15

Example of Encouragement

The first reading concludes with a striking example of material sharing for the communal life of the early church. Their material sharing was simply an expression of the care which they felt for each other at a much deeper level.  Barnabas sold a piece of property and gave the money to the church. His name means “son of encouragement” and he accompanies as prominent person in the book of the Acts of the Apostles. He vouched for Saul before the community of Jerusalem (Acts 9,27) and spent a year with Paul in Tarsus, where he was known as a prophet and a teacher (Acts 13,1). He accompanied Paul on his first missionary journey to Cyprus and parts of modern-day Turkey. He participated in the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15) which decided that the Gentile Christians need not be burdened with the observance of Old Law. Salvation comes from Faith in Jesus and living for him alone. Barnabas, who was not one of the original twelve apostles, joined the Apostles in their mission to proclaim and witness the Resurrection of Jesus. He followed the counsel of Jesus to the young man: “Go, sell what you own and give the money to the poor; then, come, follow me” (Mk 10,21). Because of the generosity of the members of the early Church, there was no needy person among them.

02.04.2024 — Effects of Preaching

Posted under Reflections on April 2nd, 2024 by

Tuesday within Easter Octave – 2nd April 2024 – Acts 2,36-41; Jn 20,11-18

Effects of Preaching

Today’s first reading presents the immediate results of Peter’s proclamation of the good news that three thousand were baptized. The listeners were moved and cut to the heart. They come to believe that Jesus was raised by God from the dead and that Jesus is both Lord and Christ. They believe that Jesus is truly God and Saviour of the world. Their new faith in Jesus spurs them to ask Peter: “What are we to do?” Peter answers: “Repent and be baptized.” Repentance was important in the message of the forerunner, John the Baptist (Mk 1,4; Lk 3,3), in the preaching of Jesus (Mk 1,15; Lk 13,3), and in the directions Jesus left just before his ascension (Lk 24,47). John’s baptism was powerless to forgive sins. The baptism preached by Peter is able to forgive sins. John’s baptism cleansed the people with water and led to conversion of heart. Peter’s baptism in Jesus’ name effectively cleanses the people with the Holy Spirit and increases members into God’s family. The kerygma of the early church was to believe, repent and be baptized in order to be saved from this life. Through Peter’s preaching apostles and the people witnessed this through the conversion of heart.

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